
    Jake Gately's Admissions Chats

    Hello! I'm Jake, your admissions counselor, and I'm really excited to "meet" you. This page offers a few ways to get in touch: virtual chats, high school visits, and college fairs. 

    Geographic Territory

    If you attend high school in any of the following domestic or international states/territories, treat me as your first point of contact with the College and please register for a chat! Students applying from the United World Colleges may also schedule their official admissions interview with me. 

    US States: AK, HI, ID, MN, MT, ND, NV, SD, UT, WI, WY

    International Territories: Africa, Asia

    Virtual Chats

    Please note that all slots are listed in Central Standard Time (CST). Use the time zone converter found here:

    If you don't see a time that works with your schedule, click here to send me an email and we'll find a time that works for you. This time can be used either for an informal information gathering chat, or your admissions interview. You do not need to have anything prepared except questions. Parents and other family members are welcome to attend.  

    College Fairs
    I'm attending several college fairs throughout the year. If I'm not attending one you plan to attend, email me and let me know. 

    High School Visits
    Click on the calendar dates below to see which high schools I'll be attending. If you're not sure, email me and I can let you know.

    I'm looking forward to connecting one way or another!

    Jake Gately Admissions Counselor
    pronouns: he/him/his or they/them/theirs

    *Please note all listed times are in Central Standard Time below
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled