
    Molly Noyed's Admissions Chats

    Hello, I'm Molly, your admissions counselor if you are a United World College (UWC) student.

    If you do not attend a UWC, that's of course okay! Simply navigate to this page to schedule a meeting with my colleague that works with your region. If you are a transfer student, please also use the above link. Though I oversee international admissions, the only international students I work directly with are those who attend a United World College campus.

    Virtual Chats
    Please note that all slots are listed in Central Standard Time (CST). Use the time zone converter found here:

    If you still don't see a time that works with your schedule, click here to send me an email and we'll find a time that works for you. Otherwise, you are welcome to schedule an appointment with my colleague Jake Gately, who is happy to interview you in my place!

    You will receive a confirmation email with a link upon registration.

    Until then,

    Molly Noyed
    Director of International Admissions
    +1 (847) 735-5017

    P.S. Another reminder that all slots are listed in Central Standard Time (CST). Please consult your calendar accordingly, and use as needed.

    Click here to check out our virtual tour!
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled